Accessibility Evangelism

Building a culture of accessibility and inclusion through empathy and knowledge sharing.

About this project

As a UX Accessibility Designer at FedEx Services, I am constantly advocating for users with disabilities and promoting the inclusive design mindset, both within my team and outside. On a day-to-day basis, I work with designers, developers, content authors, product owners, and other stakeholders to ensure that we are providing enjoyable digital experiences to ALL our customers.

I cannot disclose the details of my work due to an NDA, but a typical day in my work life (like that's a real thing) involves any or all of these activities:

  • Design walkthroughs with other designers and researchers to highlight potential accessibility barriers and provide insights
  • Conducting training sessions for design, marketing & IT team members on accessibility topics and/or tools
  • Providing accessibility specification documents for UI designs, including ARIA specification, keyboard interactions, heading structure, etc
  • Hosting accessibility office hours to support designers, developers & content authors with new product development
  • Collaborating with the design system team to ensure the building blocks of our digital products follow accessibility standards

I'm also currently helping to stand up an enterprise-wide accessibility program within the organization. Broadly speaking, I've been involved in initiatives such as:

  • Establishing a long-term strategy to scale accessibility efforts across the organization & engage with stakeholders across the organization to ensure compliance.
  • Identifying, and procuring, tools & infrastructure that will support accessible design and development activities and set teams up for success as they begin implementing accessibility tools into their workflows and processes.
  • Defining an education/training plan for new product teams and team members who are new to the accessibility journey.